Friday, August 28, 2009

The Honduran crisis, seen from the ground....

We hear in the media that there is a crisis in Honduras. That's interesting, because FOR YEARS, long before the events of June 28, 2009 that put Honduras on the world's radar screen, organizations like the Association for a More Just Society have sought to bring attention to the Honduran crisis--the crisis of hunger, malnutrition, poor education, a justice system that doesn't deliver justice, corruption, selectively enforced laws, and violent land disputes that keep the great majority of the population in abject poverty--which people in Honduras tell me neither ousted president Manuel Zelaya nor his predecessors ever did much about, notwithstanding their promises and rhetoric.

"Conservative" and "liberal" news organizations in the U.S. have been dishing out remarkably conflicting information and assumptions concerning the Honduran crisis. But have either of them even been asking the most important questions? Both kinds of media seem to be selling the news their listeners want to hear, filtering highly complex realities to fit rigidly polarized ideological configurations and narrow interests. And yet, ironically, they both whisper the exact same subliminal underlying message that many Americans of all political bents seem to desperately want to believe:

"You can change the world without much personal sacrifice, just by lining up with the appropriate political movements and ideologies, without personally caring for anybody in particular, or getting into the nitty gritty of specific people's struggles."

The inspiring videos at the link below reflect a refreshingly different point of view....